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Core Principles and Collaboration: Inside Hughes Marino’s Company Culture



At the heart of Hughes Marino’s success lies a deep-seated company culture meticulously crafted around an unshakeable foundation of core principles and collaboration. The company, led by Jason Hughes, has seen significant growth and recognition. One of the significant accolades includes being named the #1 Best Small Workplace by Fortune Magazine. This recognition raises a toast to Hughes Marino’s unwavering commitment to nurturing its team’s personal and professional well-being.


At Hughes Marino, teamwork isn’t just a buzzword; it’s an inherent part of their culture. Encouraged from leadership to team members, collaboration has led to improved outcomes and a positive work environment for all. The firm believes in the power of collective intelligence, and the fruitful results of joint effort further testify to their faith in collaboration.

Hughes Marino: Principles

Ten basic principles are at the center of the award-winning Hughes Marino culture. These are not only principles; they also drive every business decision and hiring process.

  • Integrity: Hughes Marino is known for its uncompromising ethical behavior. The company instills honesty and transparency and does the right thing, regardless of who is watching.
  • Excellence: Hughes Marino is engineered for excellence. The commitment to delivering first-rate service and surpassing client expectations is unwavering.
  • Tenacity: The company is renowned for its unyielding pursuit of victory. Challenges are tackled with determination, and the fight continues until each goal is accomplished.
  • Innovation: Hughes Marino thrives on innovation and celebrates out-of-the-box thinking. They continuously endeavor to enhance their services and stay ahead of the competition.
  • Teamwork: Hughes Marino places a high premium on collaboration. The company cherishes the power of teamwork and appreciates every team member’s input.
  • Stewardship: Hughes Marino takes its responsibility to safeguard client interests very seriously. They prioritize clients’ needs and work tirelessly to protect their best interests.
  • Accountability: The company stands accountable for its actions and outcomes. Hughes Marino claims ownership of everything they do and strives for perfection in every domain.
  • Balance: Hughes Marino advocates maintaining a healthy work-life balance, prioritizing the well-being of its team, and fostering a supportive work atmosphere.
  • Fun: While expertise and commitment define Hughes Marino, they know how to make work enjoyable. A joyous work environment is the cornerstone of their corporate culture.
  • Positive Attitude: Hughes Marino champions positivity and maintains a culture of optimism. The power of positivity in influencing individual and team success is a firm company belief.

Creating a Positive Work Environment

Hughes Marino prioritizes creating a welcoming and home-like environment in its offices. The attention to detail, from handpicking the furniture to the thoughtful addition of fresh flowers, ensures a comfortable space for team members and clients.

But it’s not all work at Hughes Marino. A belief in blending labor with fun sees the organization of numerous activities and celebrations. Fun Fridays full of treats and monthly birthday celebrations infuse a sense of fun and create an enjoyable work atmosphere.

Employee Experience and Satisfaction

The recognition by Fortune Magazine is based on examining over 112,000 employee surveys, attesting to the company’s emphasis on trust, respect, fairness, and camaraderie. Hughes Marino realizes that the employee experience is paramount, and this attention to employee satisfaction extends beyond the usual metrics.

Company Growth and Expansion

Hughes Marino has significantly expanded in recent years, a testament to its dedication to building a vibrant company culture and delivering exceptional client service. With its team doubling in size and opening new offices, it’s maintained its unique culture, demonstrating that growth need not come at the expense of employee satisfaction.

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