Founder Maria-Katharina Richters From Art of you Answer’s Our Questions Since Her Rise Amongst Artists

Since Maria-Katharina Richter’s set the standard for other companies catering to artists with her dominant coaching business “Art of you”, now having helped clients all around the world transform their NOW into a transformed experience of life, such as clients who could not see the wood for the trees with their lives, helping them move out of depression, become pregnant after years of no success, change the perception of themselves and the world in 360 degrees, helping artists to healers move through anxiety and cure panic attacks overnight with her transformational art tools, to living a life of purpose after a lifetime of chaos as well as helping artists who did not know how to start their business with their art, and being shy to become visible, find confidence within and create their art classes and art sales customised to them, to their most optimal client base in 3 continents, a pattern of questions regarding Art of you’s services has formed that Maria would like to clear up, however, not only have we had those questions addressed, but some of our own.
Maria was born in 1986 – Hamburg, Germany making her 35. Maria is the owner of the in-demand company for artists, Art of you. Catering to those that want to unleash their creativity and simply begin exploring art, all the way to the more established artists looking to rake in profits from their work. Now, with the world being in and out of lockdowns for the past 18 months, you can only imagine the number of requests Maria receives from stuck in the house individuals across the globe looking to fill the void with a new hobby or those with a mastered skill looking to pay the bills whilst out of work, meaning a few questions pop up more than others, questions they addressed once and for all today, however – we had a few curious questions of our own.
Starting with six of the most common questions she receives…
Q1. The world is full of artists and not everyone makes it, why would I make it if there are already so many artists out there who are better than me?
Yes, the world is full of artists, even the ones that don’t think they are are Artists in their own right, however those that actively go out to connect to themselves at a deeper level and get real about what they love, desire and stand for, will live a life as the artist of their lives, because for them it does not matter how many challenges come towards them, they will find a way. If you are an artist, at any stage of your journey, your true self is what will make the difference! Are you shaping your career by how you think you SHOULD be? Or, are you shaping your life through who you are deep inside, your full potential? This is why I called the company Art of you, because it is about your uniqueness! ONLY that version of you will truly ‘make it’ and be fulfilled. Nobody is you and that is your superpower and your path to success in your fulfilment in life. There are many out there for a reason, everyone has their part to play and YOUR TRUE most creative version of you is the one that is called to come out! You are here to make waves through your creativity and you will make it, if you dare to confront the truth within you, responding to your interests, your desires, ideas, curiosities and wishes and ultimately your fears and resilience to move through the challenges to come out stronger than before. That is how you WILL make it. Comparison is the biggest killer of personal growth.
Q2. How can I create an Art Business if I already have a full time job and can’t let that one go yet?
So many artists start creating their Art Business on the side. There is no one that says you have to jump ship in one go. For some it is the time and for others it is building it on the side. Whatever is true to you, however there are ‘sacrifices’ to be made, such as working on and in the business on weekends or in evenings, some artists take a day off work a week and gradually dedicate more days per week as their art business grows. There is a solution for every ‘problem’ it is not just black and white, the doors open once you open your eyes from the possibilities, that is why coaching is so powerful because you all of a sudden are able to find those solutions for any doubts that show up before they become a thing.
Q3. How do I know for sure that if I am going to invest into creating an art business that it will all not be for nothing because I couldn’t figure it out?
The only person that decides whether it will be for nothing is you! Nobody else! If you decide its for nothing, it will be for nothing, if you decide this is a non negotiable reality for you, that it will be.
Q4. How do I know what my purpose is?
If you don’t know it now, only by asking yourself questions and reflecting on it you will find out. In short, your purpose is doing what YOU love doing, being who you are beyond the fears and layers of hiding and holding back from speaking up. Your purpose is to shine your full potential of which magic lies in the acceptance of who you are with your wishes, dreams, needs and wants. By loving yourself through honoring your true feelings, you are also sharing your light with the world. There is an illusion of separateness, we are all one and we are here to help each other rise in consciousness. Your purpose is the most natural byproduct of you living in your power. You don’T actually have to do anything for it, it is mainly about shedding all the layers that hold you back from being who you truly are.
Q5. What do I need to do to succeed in my art business?
Most importantly, do the things that scare you, that you are shying away from. Secondly, get yourself a coach who works with you on setting your foundations as an artist, such as creating a clear and consistent message, creating a strategy for marketing and having a price list that is consistent, but most importantly work on the stuff that holds you back subconsciously. Don’t think you have to do it all yourself. At the end of the day, everything comes down to Mindset, creating the mindset that moves you forward that learns from challenges and that just keeps going. Failing is part of the whole thing, if you start to listen to your doubts and refuse to come back after a setback, you will not succeed in business. I’ve learnt the hard way. In my first attempts of creating my fashion businesses I shied away from one thing in particular and that was making calls and talking with people. I was way too shy as part of my rejection sensitivity dysmorphia through ADHD, which created intense body reactions or shivers and no words coming, sweating and raised heart beat just thinking of it. So I didn’t do what I actually had to do. One reason I couldn’t really ever move past that is because I wasn’t 100 % connected to what I was doing, so that is why it is so important to do what you truly love so that when it comes to doing the things that scare you or feel challenging, you will make it work. It takes courage and it will not always be comfortable. The work over the years has been really intense on facing my fears, but even rejection sensitivity dysmorphia can be rewired and you CAN teach your body to not feel fear in places you felt fear before. So, the desire to create a life of purpose is what will take you through those steps.
Q6. I am not good at selling or don’t really want to sell to anyone, how can I create my life through my art without that?
Everyone is an entrepreneur, just some have grown up around it and some haven’t. Some have a direct affination for it and others have to learn it. We are all in Business, we are in the business of relationships. When we learn to give AND receive, you learn to make business work too because it is about giving AND receiving. When it is just one or the other it doesn’t work, just as in relationships. It is about balance, balancing a win win situation. Selling is a natural part of it when you value yourself, your time and what you create. If you don’t, you feel bad to charge or you feel it’s a bad thing to give it a value at all because in the art world we are taught that it comes free. Interns are not paid and somehow Art is not seen as something considered work because it is enjoyable and ‘comes easy’ to the artist. But that is not the case, everyone is an artist and it takes work to create good art, we wouldn’t have TV, Movies, beautiful furniture or books around, it is all art and art is work. It takes time and energy just as something else. Why should it be given free? IT is energy and so is money. So selling is something you learn as you get to know yourself and value yourself, your time and dedicate yourself to doing what you love. It is a byproduct. Of Course to some it needs more work, like for me, for it to feel natural, because we have a lot of limiting beliefs around it. But when you love something so much you find a way and you will get to love this part too. Not learning this or doing this, is a type of denial of a major part in life and doing business without growing into it, in my eyes is not beneficial or sustainable. I think every learning we go through that we don’t particularly enjoy and prefer to avoid, creates most exponential growth, on a spiritual and physical level, which in turn helps on the emotional and mental level for the long run.
Now, for our questions for Maria…
Me: What’s your role at Art of you?
Maria-Katharina Richters: I am the Founder of Art of You and the Coach, Art Therapist & Podcaster for the Sister Brand Born to Create.
Me: What do you do outside of the company, hobbies for example?
Maria-Katharina Richters: I love to spend time with my family, my 3 dogs and partner and create Art in my own time. I paint and draw and I Dj. I used to Dj for some gigs in clubs some years ago, but I prefer to play for myself at home because my crazy days of partying are over, Djing came as a way to keep music and dancing in my life and have another way of self expression. Other than that, I love to spend time creating, creating my future, create my visions, collaborate with people and I am addicted to self development, always learning and expanding my consciousness with Kabbalistic teachings. I am a huge Astrology Fan and read and watch that all the time, especially kabbalistic astrology and the energy of the month, year, weeks ahead. Other than that I love to travel and spend time with friends or my mum talking about life and enjoying beautiful scenery with a cup of coffee or an occasional sparkling wine. I love to work out and exercise, especially HIIT classes, Yoga and running, which keeps me feeling alive and energetic.
Me: Why is now the time for your company to exist?
Maria-Katharina Richters: The company has been many years coming, and it hasn’t been more relevant than now, with people in great need to find themselves within themselves. The pandemic has brought a lot of inquisition,people being diverted from the life before Covid, and now after. Things are not the same now, because people have lost the old way or lost a loved one, which is all a deeply emotional place to be. Through my own transformation the last 12 years and knowing through Astrology that 2020 would be the time of a before and an after, Art of You was created as a result of that. The world needs more people aligned to their truth and their souls purpose, and as tough as the pandemic has been, for some more than others, it shows that it is ever more so important for people to truly get to know themselves and work on their trauma, work on creating their lives, starting from processing their emotions, unconditioning themselves and be free from fear. That is really at the core of Art of You to help people to live courageously despite feeling the fear, but to find certainty and confidence in their souls mission. Art of You is for the Artists, new and established, it is for people wanting to find the Art of them to live the masterpiece version of themselves rather than the version who is hiding their true self. There is a huge power in art, for healing and for the allowance of self expression for business as well as leisure. Now the new consciousness we are in, brings with it a rise in Art and Artists. People who didn’t have anything to do with art all their lives, discover it and within a year become full time artist. Now is the time when the ‘impossible ‘ is made possible because life is all about creating new and now it is about creating NEW aligned to what the person truly loves and what they truly believe in. The time of telling lies and living lies is over. It doesn’t work anymore and now is the perfect time to facilitate this in people.
Me: What’s most exciting about your traction to date?
Maria-Katharina Richters: Seeing my clients become emotionally unburdened and free, finding the confidence within themselves to create their lives around their unique personality. Seeing my clients self actualise is the best feeling.
Me: Why artists?
Maria-Katharina Richters: I believe that Artists haven’t had the support they needed until date. Oftentimes they are diagnosed with ADHD and put on meds or never truly find the support THEY need because of a world that is so ‘one way streetwise’. Sometimes artists don’t ever go their path as an artist because of conditioning that ‘Art is not work’, ‘ You can’t make money with art’ ‘Art is not a real profession’ and any other beliefs put upon them limiting them for their true self expression, causing a society of addicts, depression and anxiety I help them to get rid of all those layers that aren’t true and don’t act for their highest good. Artists are very sensitive, deep and connected beings, with innovation, new information and wisdom channeled through all the time. They are connected intimately with the universal laws and have a huge purpose and message and can create biggest differences. They need to not be shut down of their gifts and this is where I come in and the Vision I have for Art of You and Born to Create. I want to help artists to be free to do what they do best and live their life on their terms while thriving emotionally, mentally & physically. They deserve to have the same shot as everyone else to be successful with what they do, just like other people are successful with their lives, who have it easier to fit into this world as it works. My main motivation is to help them feel confident with who they are instead of feeling lesser, guilty, people pleasing and having to fit into somewhere that’s not them and then drying out. I want to give them the space to do what they were born to do and be who they were born to be. Art of You also welcomes those individuals who want to explore their creativity and align to their purpose, because a self actualized person is innately creative and an artist of their own right.
You can check out what Maria’s doing with Art of you on Art of you’s website and Maria’s social media:
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