New World Allstar’s Leadership in Spiritual Coaching
A spiritual coach must themselves be enlightened, and not only must they be uncompromising in the values they present, these teachings must resonate with human aspirations and challenges. This is why the New World Allstar (NWA) approach to spiritual coaching has been disrupting the life coach industry. A vanguard in the industry, the organization offers guidance and transformational strategies that are in sync with its quest for individuals to experience independence, spiritual strength, and self-mastery.
A revolutionary coaching style
NWA’s coaching style is easy to understand: the uncompromising embrace of The True Spiritual Journey and empowering people to Remember Who They really Are – so that students come to realize that they are their own Master. It’s not about “Healing”, because this does not cause Self-Actualization. Self-Actualization may cause healing, however. We help spiritual students arrive at true Self-Actualization?
The moment you Realize at the deepest level that it is NOT YOU who “seeks” enlightenment is the moment you Realize Who You Really Are. The “seeker” is the ego/mind. YOU are the awareness of this “seeker.” Who You Really Are is beyond the mental and emotional chatter of the seeker who wishes to “become” spiritual. The seeker can only experience itself as separate from All. The Real You is One with All. The Real You IS All.
New World Allstar opposes the traditional “spiritual healing” techniques often prescribed by online gurus. These practices actually tend to make things worse by encouraging people to self-gaslight and bypass emotions. Most of the “spiritual” advice you get online is bad psychology that a real psychologist would tell you to never do. Psychological healing is fine, but if you’re going to do that, get a real psychologist. And in the end, none of this is even spiritualism to begin with.
Spiritual guidance vs spiritual gurus
There is much noise online from so-called spiritual gurus about “healing” and “walking the path” in order to become spiritual. But what really is “spiritual?” Can you “become” spiritual? If we ask any of the Great Enlightened Spiritual Masters, they’re going to tell you that the short answer is: “You are consciousness.” They will also tell you that You already ARE that, so there’s no “becoming” enlightened.
The same Enlightened Spiritual Masters who even the online gurus recognize: Buddha, Jesus, Krishnamurti, Paramahansa Yogananda, Ram Dass, Eckhart Tolle, Rupert Spira, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Charlotte Joko Beck all agree that Realization is beyond the forms of mind and body. Nobody disputes that these are the Enlightened Spiritual Masters, including the “spiritual healer” gurus on the internet.
So, why is there such a disconnect? Why would you use mental/emotional “healing” techniques to Remember that your True Nature is beyond the mental/emotional ego/mind? Hard to say, but that’s the way it is online today. The most effective way to teach spiritualism in today’s online world of endless “gurus” is unfortunately about 50% explaining what spiritualism is not, and about 50% what it is. You have to fight off a lot of dogma to get the correct message across.
This is why Eckhart Tolle’s book is called “The Power of Now.” You can only realize that You are the consciousness at this moment now. Only the mind seeks a future outcome because the mind is separation.
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