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In today’s day and age, being a start-up owner is highly tedious. From beginning the start-up or business to managing it all by oneself until one creates a team, and looking over various activities included in a business such as sales, production, procurement, and much more, everything requires excessive dedication, time, and energy. Running the business with a motive of helping society is a different story altogether because one might face opposition from various other people and has to face struggles to stabilize the business while considering the profit motive as well. One such man, who has become an entrepreneur and is working towards society even after facing plenty of struggle, is Justin Owens.

Justin unfolding his early days

Justin goes back to his past and tells us that his early adulthood was unconventional. Instead of spending his time and money on receiving an institutionalized education; he sought education through several self-help courses from successful entrepreneurs and coaches. He wanted to spend time learning everything that interested him. Through his independent learning from various speakers such as Franklin Covey, Tony Robbins, Bob Proctor, and John Maxwell, he was able to invest in his personal growth and self-development without the debt of university. After countless hours of researching educational courses, books, and conventions, he was able to find the right mentorship for himself.

Justin elucidating his work profile

Justin Owens is a 33-year-old entrepreneur residing in Atlanta and has established himself as a successful business leader. His first official job was working at a Kroger in high school when he was just 15 years old. He wanted to prove to himself, and others, that the status quo of successful black entrepreneurs could also look like a businessman, an entrepreneur, and a leader. He tells that he is a mentor, teaching people how to overcome stereotypes, and create their narrative. Over the last 3.5 years, he has been teaching people how to invest in digital currency as well as leadership development, and marketing consulting all within the same business.

Philanthropic ventures in which Justin or his business partake

One of Justin’s focuses is helping fund ministries that are doing missionary work. His mentor has facilitated some amazing work aiding water filtration tools in African counties in which it is always a pleasure to donate, and participate in whatever way he can in that arena. “I also have participated in some local work in the Atlanta area such as helping people with less than perfect backgrounds get back on their feet”, remarks Justin.

Tips to stay determined during times of adversity

Some tips and tricks that Justin gives to stay determined through times of adversity are to focus on what one is listening to. Personal self-development is the key to keeping one’s belief and gratitude in the right place so that one can keep a positive mindset even when one’s reality doesn’t reflect what one wants to see. Justin also advises being grateful for the present situation while focusing on the future.

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