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Interview With Phillip Chase Collins From Oklahoma City



Interview With Phillip Chase Collins From Oklahoma City

As massive portions (sometimes even 100%) of today’s businesses’ revenue comes from social media, learning how to please the Instagram algorithm is one of the most important things you can do as an entrepreneur. I was able to interview Chase Collins a social media entrepreneur who has been able to master rapidly building audiences on Instagram, on what kind of strategies he’s learned in his experience growing dozens of accounts (some over 1 million followers).
What are those trying to grow an audience doing wrong?

Chase “Posting isn’t everything. Although posting good content is important, it isn’t enough to grow. You need to foster and nurture an engaged follower base in order for Instagram to organically promote your account through recommendations and explore page. I focus on 5 things when trying to build a highly-engaged following:
1. Direct Messages

I try to respond to nearly every direct message I get. Along with showing people you care, Instagram will rank your posts higher in the feed of those accounts who direct messaged you. You’ll also gain additional insight on what you can be doing better with your page through the suggestions people make and questions they ask.
2. Stories

Half a billion Instagram users watch Stories daily, so if you aren’t publishing content on your story you are missing out on a large viewership. I’ve found that by posting your followers will tend to engage better with your feed content as well.
3. Responding to Comments

Show your followers you care by responding to comments! They took some time out of their day to leave a comment on your page, it’s only right that you spend some time to reply.
4. Going Live

Instagram lives are ranked higher than stories, so it is easy to get additional engagement from your followers by occasionally going live. Instagram Live is also a powerful tool for garnering page feedback from your followers or redirecting them to engage with a post.
5. Engaging with Followers

Follow your followers! You can create superfans by engaging with your followers’ content. Scratch their back and they’ll scratch yours.”
How can I quickly boost engagement?

Chase “If you’re looking to authentically increase your account’s engagement overnight, you should pay attention to what kind of content top pages are posting. You can also boost feed engagement by adding niche-related hashtags to your posts.

Instagram: chasecollns

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Pamela Greenberg is a science fiction and fantasy writer, game designer, and poet. Pamela’s works are characterized by an aversion to doing things that have been done before. This attitude is perhaps most notable in her writing. She writes fabulous news on recent things. She is working as an author on

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