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New representatives for model Carlucci keys say they feel very optimistic about what he brings to the table.



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It doesn’t take much to see that this guy means business, just at the beginning of the year, he would go on to fire his management team, publicist, and Pr and would also continue on a viral rant across social media. Days would go by and even though the model had made it clear to the public that he would proceed to continue working without management, he still had many companies inquiring as well as multiple bookings flying in. Since the model had released his prior staff due to them making vital errors with content that was released to the top leading world news media sources, Carlucci Keys would soon indeed have to act as his management just to get things rolling and back on the ball again. So just like his past secretary, he would now have to be the one answering calls, scheduling the shoots, booking dates, and also speaking with the top advertising agencies around the world about what moves he would make next, or at least give them an idea on which direction he sees himself headed in the future as a model. The modeling industry today in 2021 is very fast-paced and competitive. Typical business days for a model and the agency are no regular 9-5, the majority of the time they usually consist of 24 hr days, therefore that’s why most agencies have service operators that handle all calls after hours that have to deal with emergencies, rush bookings and cancellations. For the model that wasn’t the case though because he was the one handling and doing everything by himself.

On 4-12-21 Carlucci Keys would sign documents for placements and be positioned under new management.

For bookings or inquiries regarding the model please send an email to representatives at [email protected] 

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