
What are Some Common Mistakes to Avoid in your Google Ads Campaign?


If you want your Google ads campaign to be a success, you need to avoid the mistakes that the majority of the other marketers are making.

Is this your first time setting up your Google ads to bring more sales and traction? If yes, hold up because there are some factors that you need to keep in mind before you end up making some mistakes that affect the intent of the ads.

Mistakes are bound to happen but the objective is to minimize the mistakes as much as possible to ensure that the results are just what you were expecting with the Google ads services.

To help you figure things out, we have sorted out the top common mistakes that you need to avoid while curating the Google ads campaign.

Not tracking the analytics

Once you make your Google ads campaign live, the biggest mistake that you are likely making is not tracking the analytics. This is where the majority of the people go wrong. You need to assess what’s working with the ad and what needs to be changed. And, to be fair, if you aren’t prioritizing these factors, you are pretty much squashing the success of your ads.

Only using broad match keywords

When you are curating your Google ads campaign, keywords are probably one of the most important factors that you need to prioritize. There are three individual elements – exact, phrase, and broad. Most marketers leverage broad match keywords thinking they will target the broader picture of the spectrum, which isn’t necessarily the case. Instead, you need to use a blend of keywords to be able to target a larger spectrum of the audience.

Missing out on negative keywords

Now, this might seem confusing because why would you add “anti” keywords in your Google ad copy? Well, believe it or not, a good chunk of the audience that comes and clicks on your ad will be people who aren’t supposed to see the ad in the first place. It happens quite a lot of the time, which is why having negative keywords (a few of them) in the copy is a necessity.

Not having a testing strategy for the ad copy

Next up is not testing the ad. This is hands down one of the biggest mistakes that you are making as a marketer. If you want your ad to stand out among the million other ads, you need to be able to test and see what’s working and what’s not. Based on the results, you can tweak and change things for desired outcomes.

Not having a good budget

Leveraging Google ads means that you have to have proper funds to be able to execute the campaign. So, if you are underfunding your ads that are one of the other reasons why things aren’t panning out to your expectations and why you need to change and switch things around as well.

Google ads services aren’t as complicated as you are making it out to be. However, things can underperform if you commit any of these mistakes. At times, it can be confusing and difficult to figure things out but that’s where you have to step up, understand the shortcomings, and fix them to maximize the results.

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