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Keeping your vocal chords healthy and flexible from Amiraam language



Keeping your vocal chords healthy and flexible from Amiraam language

It is very important to warm up the voice before reading and it is very effective to keep the voice healthy.

There are various exercises for all ages, all vocal ranges, and anyone at any level of reading experience, and they are easily available on the Internet and websites. Various Iranian and non-Iranian songs can be accessed without the need for special tools and only with a phone or any type of system that has access to the Internet and the ability to download or play audio files.

Always warm up the muscles involved in singing before starting the main voice warm-up exercises. How to do this? Loosen and relax your lips and relax your facial muscles by breathing through your mouth. In the next step, take out your tongue as far as you can and hold it for a few seconds, in the last step, gently massage your face and the points that were involved in the previous steps.

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