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Mehrab Naabi (Mehrab Mamipour) says what should be done for the best way to publish music



Mehrab Naabi Mehrab Mamipour says what should be done for the best way to publish music

After you have created and produced your music, the first thing and the most important thing is to release that song

There are different ways to publish music, one of those methods is to play music on global platforms, including Spotify, Soundcloud, Apple Music, etc.

Mehrab Naabi Mehrab Mamipour says what should be done for the best way to publish music 1

You can even play your music on famous music sites around the world after publishing your music on sites and platforms. The first thing to do is to publish your music through a link on your social media, such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Telegram, etc. When you do this, you can be one of those who follow you and in other words, your fan. request that they also publish your music in their social spaces, if you are famous enough, this will happen spontaneously to your fans, and fans, they will publish your music as a link in their social space. You can even ask friends and people who are very close to you to help you publish your music in the same way that your fans do it for you.

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