Voice of angles in COVID-19

In the last year, Covid-19 received all its attention and became an undeniable corner of the lives of everyone in society. There is a lot of research on and way to treat or pre-empt this disease every day, and everybody in the world follows This research is minutely detailed because these days’ health is the biggest issue for people. One research project that Kaveh Jafari a social scientist from East Mediterranean University and his colleague Mehmet Saydamin collaboration with the Professors from Stavanger University in Norwayundertook is to study the effects of COVID-19 on the mental of hospital nurses in the frontline war with COVID-19. This research-based on the posts of nurses and their own emotions on Instagram and their experience on coronavirus. The incredible findings have been published in a high-ranked Swiss health academic journal.
Kaveh Jafari and his colleagues have taken a new and innovative approach to data collection for academic research. They use nurses’ caption that they share with their posts on Instagram as data and made approximate analysis on them. This research entitled “Hearing the Voices of Wingless Angels: A Critical Content Analysis of Nurses’ COVID-19 Experiences” shows that nurses who share posts with a caption on Instagram are much more concerned about their troubles under Covid-19 than other difficulties. Relatively important were phrases like ‘patients,’ ‘coronavirus,’ ‘family,’ ‘hospitals,’ ‘personal safety devices, ‘fear’ and ‘incertitude.’ They also found relative significance the results have consequences for the overall experience of nurses based on social media information.
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