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Dr. Mozhgan Dahmardnezhad, a cosmetic doctor, explains the mechanism of action of the hyaluronic acid filler



Dr. Mozhgan Dah Mardnejad a cosmetic doctor explains the mechanism of action of hyaluronic acid filler .

HA is an integral part of the normal extracellular matrix and is found in large amounts in many connective tissues including the skin, vitreous and synovial fluid. Chemically, HA is a linear polysaccharide composed of repeats of glucuronic acid disaccharide and N-acetylglucosamine. As you age and your antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, and collagen decrease, your face begins to become dehydrated and thin. Loss of volume causes fine and large lines and drooping eyelids, drooping cheeks, and reduced lip volume. By injecting gel and filler, the natural structure of the face is restored to the body.

 Hyaluronic acid is the most popular skin filler for a number of reasons including hygroscopic properties, biocompatibility, and environmental reversibility. Over the past few decades, different types of HA fillers have been produced, and many aspects vary, including the type and degree of crosslinking, gel viscosity, extrusion force, gel hardness and consistency, total HA concentration, and duration of presence on the skin.

Dr Mozhgan Dah Mardnejad

Natural side effects after filler injection:

Dr. Mozhgan Dahmardnezhad says that most of the time, after the filler injection, there are complications for most patients and it is completely normal, but it is better to contact their doctor for any complications that have occurred.

Mild bruising around the gel and filler injection sites: This bruising usually goes away after 2-3 days and can be hidden with a thin layer of foundation.

Swelling of the injected sites: Swelling of the injection site is usually mild and resolves after 72-48 hours.

Anesthesia of gel and filler injections or parts of the face: Fillers usually contain some local anesthetic, which may lead to anesthesia of the injection site. Facial sensation usually returns 2 to 3 hours after injection.

Redness of the skin: Redness is usually due to the injection of gels and fillers, intense massage, and minor skin reactions that can last from a few hours to 2-3 days.

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