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Meet Dalip Celbeqiri : 24-Year-Old Social Video Strategist Expert



Meet Dalip Celbeqiri 24 Year Old Social Video Strategist Expert

Dalip Celbeqiri is the founder and CEO of DIY Simple, a video content digital agency that partners with clients to increase their engagement and connections.

He is also the founder of Following, which is a Marketing agency that specializes in strategic ad placements. Over the years, Dalip has partnered with many influencers, entrepreneurs, startups, and established companies and has successfully brought many clients for them.

Describe yourself in a few lines

I believe we have not been formally introduced, but there’s a good chance you follow at least one of my pages. I’m a Digital media Influencer : I provide video content and traffic to various Brands and web pages with the help of my Facebook pages & YouTube channels. In the last two years i have managed to collect over 4 Billion viewers on  DIY Simple and Creative Ideas.

Dalip has truly taken the internet by storm. The success Dalip achieved as a 24 years old  serves as an inspiration for many to think big and follow their dreams.

Dalip Celbeqiri can be reached on Facebook and Instagram

Rob Harris is a lawyer by profession. But his hobby is writing that’s why he writes news, blogs and books side by side. He is known to not only write articles on law but also politics. He has a collection of poems and articles that he had written. So he provides news on Time Bulletin.

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