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Meet James Parry a.k.a. Jay, a 23-Year-Old successful Dropshipper, who has proven that nobody is too young to succeed



Meet James Parry a.k.a. Jay a 23 Year Old successful Dropshipper who has proven that nobody is too young to succeed.

Being yourself in a world that is always trying to make you someone else is the greatest achievement, and Jay represents just that.

Some people in life are behind a certain objective, while many others are striving to go beyond limits and build a career that as young entrepreneurs exudes their flexibility and adaptability. In the world of entrepreneurship, where more and more businesses and brands are turning to the online realm to better reach their prospective customers and raise their revenue, we met a prolific entrepreneur named James Parry a.k.a. Jay, who has been successful in earning 7 figures from his Dropshipping business during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Jay was never someone who could hold his job for too long. He possibly held over 20 jobs between the ages of 16 and 23. Sticking to academics was not easy for him either, that’s why he even dropped out of college. For a long time, he did not know what to pursue until he discovered the wide world of dropshipping. He was able to make a name for himself in the industry after joining the world of dropshipping, and since then there’s no stopping for him.

About his initial journey, he says,
“I started in the online world because I knew that there was more to life than the normal 9-5 life we’re told we need to live. I used to talk to business owners who I used to sell to in my jobs, and could see that they didn’t have anything special that made them succeed, just that they worked hard and outsourced work and scaled.”

The main reason he wanted more from life was that he knew not everything was wealth. Sure, Jay believed that money will help solve a lot of issues, although not every human need could be met. Jay has always been the guy who wanted to support his friends and family and make things easier for them as much as possible and that was eventually possible by becoming his own boss. He runs a few dropshipping companies today, which have made more than seven figures in profit since the beginning of the lockdown. Almost all of his traffic comes from Instagram, which is due to his social media marketing expertise.

Head over to his Instagram page @Jaye to catch up with the latest information about him.

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