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The inspiring story of Eyssa Hassoun



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Eyssa Sami Hassoun was born in Brooklyn New York 12/25/1983. At a young age he was a huge fan of Jean Claude Van Damm, Bruce Lee, and Steven Segal. So naturally he would follow in their foot steps and began training as a boxer at 10 years old. He would go on to attend high school at  from Fort  Hamilton High in Brooklyn and graduate from Norman Thomas high school in New York City at the age of 16. Eyssa went to the College of Staten Island for a single day only to realize that college was not for him believed he would be able to teach people and not the other way around. He aspired to attend Berkeley Business College, but never got around to doing so. Instead he would embark on a journey in the world is real estate and create a name for himself with his company Fam Properties, LLC and a business in wholesale in the garment industry. With a combined net worth of 50-100 million USD in properties across the world, he plans to expand as both a real estate developer in New York City and a fashion designer with plans to release a collection in the near future.

In recent years,  Eyssa’s life took a drastic turn for the better when he lost about 140 lbs of weight and has since replaced all the fat with pure muscle. Currently weighing 227lbs, he’s in the best shape of his life and he’s trained  with some of the best fighters in the world. When asked about his current goals, he said “My goal is to be the best in business, fitness, and life in general. I want teach others how they can achieve success like I have.” 

You can follow Eyssa on Instagram 

Pamela Greenberg is a science fiction and fantasy writer, game designer, and poet. Pamela’s works are characterized by an aversion to doing things that have been done before. This attitude is perhaps most notable in her writing. She writes fabulous news on recent things. She is working as an author on

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